Readings for Download:    {Reading Report Form}


Becker, Landes, Michael

Ressler (1995)

Bumpass (2000)

Lichter (2005)

Becker Chapt. 11


Goode -- Theoretical Importance of Family


Folbre and Nelson (2000)

Brinig -- These Boots...(2000)

Gruber -- Is Making Divorce (2004)

Rowthorn -- Marriage and Trust (1999)

Gershuny -- Historical Changes (1988)

Lundberg -- Bargaining ... (1996)

Smith -- "Children among ..." (1989)

Swan -- The Political ..." (1986)

Folbre -- "Hearts & Spades..." (1986)

Becker & Murphy -- "Family ... State" (1988)

Grossbard: Economics of Polygamy (1980)

Lehrer: Determinants of Marital Instability

South_Spitze: Determinants of Divorce...Life Cycle

Jensen_Smith: Unemployment and Marital Dissolution

Morgan_Lye_Condran: Sons, Daughters ... Marital Disruption

Hill: Marital Stability and Spouses' Shared Time

Levy: Changes in the distribution of American Family Incomes

Desai: Mother or Market?

Chevan & Stokes: Growth in Family Income Inequality

Beron: Economic Model of Crime and Child Support Enforcement

Teachman: Who Pays? Child Support in the U.S.

Seltzer & Garfinkel

Gershuny_Robinson: Household Division of Labor

Desai: "Mother or Market?"

Levy: "Changes in Distribution of American Family Incomes"

Chevan: "Growth in Family Income Inequality"

Smith: "Children among the Poor"

Swan: "Political Economy of American Family Policy"

Becker & Murphy: "The Family and the State"

Landes: Economics of Alimony

Turchi: How ...